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The Cleaning Job Page 15

  “Where do you think I met Henry?”

  A group of loud chattering women enter the bar. While I dry my hands behind the counter, Lisa-Marie comes towards me. “This is a surprise!” she whispers and smiles at me affably.

  “You can say that. Are you the Christmas dinner?”

  “I hope we are not on the menu,” one of the other women laughs.

  “Yes, we have a reservation,” replies Lisa-Marie.

  “Under the name Presley,” chuckles the other woman.

  Lisa-Marie laughs. “This is Tanja. Our group clown.”

  “I wouldn’t have noticed,” I joke back and point at the large round table. “You’re back there.”

  “Oh, the Knights of the round table!” calls Tanja and the women occupy the table still chatting away.

  The evening is quite busy for me and I only notice later that the women‘s table has grown a male. The man is completely unknown to me and I am amazed as I notice his hand on Lisa-Marie’s thigh. I find her more and more likable every time I see her, she could easily become my best friend! When I then hear him affectionately whispering words into her ear, my heart melts.

  Yet I can do nothing to fight the inner urge to call Henry.

  “Yep?” he answers casually.

  “Henry, It’s me, Josefine Wagner.”

  “Emergency?” he asks, suddenly alert.

  “No, not really, well, at least not for me. Lisa-Marie is here with her colleagues for dinner and there is a man accompanying her…”

  Henry takes up my question kindly. “That’s probably her new boyfriend I guess. She broke up with Marek.”

  “She broke up with him?” I almost scream but stop myself with some difficulty.

  Henry laughs hoarsely. “Months ago.”

  “Months ago?” I howl with delight, like the coyote after he’s slipped through the Roadrunner’s fingers once again. My hand reflexively jumps to my mouth and my gaze wanders to Lisa-Marie. “Thank you, Henry. Come see us again sometime. I miss you.”

  “Will do. See you soon, Josefine,” he replies cheerfully.

  I hang up and can hardly conceal my joy. What’s that about? I haven’t finally won the lottery or receive an unexpected declaration of love. Also, Marek hasn’t been in touch with me since the horrific evening in his apartment.

  Despite all that I still float into my apartment that night like I’m on a cloud and celebrate so loudly that my neighbors probably assume I have a man visiting.

  Marek Held is single! He is available! Wait a minute. Is he single? And, which is actually just as important, does he have a new cleaning lady?

  I call Henry again immediately. I saved his number in my phone and in my sheer excitement I do not think about the fact that it is the middle of the night.

  “Josefine, what is it now?” he mutters sleepily.

  “Is he single?”

  “I think so, yes, but…”

  “Does he have a new cleaner?”

  “No, he doesn’t,” Henry growls angrily. “What’s going on?”

  “Henry… I’m in love… I’m madly in love with a masked man.”

  Henry laughs. “Take it easy. My ears are ringing already.”

  “Where is he?”

  “On a business trip.”

  “No, that cannot be true,” I sulk, honestly disconcerted.

  “I’ll call you, as soon as I hear anything new. And before you say it: of course I won’t tell him about our contact,” Henry whispers. “Can I sleep now?”

  “Sorry, Henry, and good night,” I whisper back smiling and tug nervously on my lower lip.

  The next day, Jörg does not ask me why I absolutely have to have the day off. He can already tell from my voice that I am over excited.

  My path leads me to a lingerie store. No, not for pajamas, but rather underwear. I didn’t think I ever would, but I actually buy myself a thong and a really suggestive corset. I stick with the brand and the color of my last cleaning clothes and even pair suspenders with it.

  In the late evening, as I am dressed in the lingerie and considering myself in the mirror, my phone rings. I recognize the number immediately: “Please tell me he’s back.”

  “He is back, but still in the office.” Henry sounds amused.

  “At this time?”

  “No girlfriend, no cleaning lady – what else does he have left?” he jokes.

  All at once, I’m terribly excited. “Do you think he wants to see me at all?”

  “What do you have to lose?”


  “Well, then, good luck!”

  I leave for his office immediately. I am already wearing the right clothes.

  My high heels echo in the marble floored hall as I walk, highly motivated, to the elevator. I have my beige coat slung around my body. As I’m looking at the panel to work out which floor Marek Held has his headquarters on, my excitement gets the upper hand. I take a deep breath. Then I force myself into the elevator, press the button and let it carry me to my fate.

  Above there is an eerie silence on the entire floor as the elevator doors open. Carefully, I leave the cabin and squint down the corridor. Everything is very different from my last visit. Slowly I push myself forward, my arms crossed protectively over my belly. Where is Marek?

  I find the room where I had a short conversation with Henry at the party. The door is open, inside a light is on and I creep into it. I stop in the doorway. The desk chair stands with its back to me. I perceive a movement. Then I slowly peel myself out of the coat, let it slide soundlessly to the ground, and take up a relaxed position.

  Then I breathe: “Reporting for duty, Sir.”

  The chair rotates and I scream: “Shit!”

  I need an eternity to get my coat back on because of the shock.

  A man it sitting in the chair, but it’s not Marek. He is completely speechless. I think I threw him with my appearance.

  At this moment, Marek comes to the office. He’s looking at a stack of papers in his hand and talking to himself. “The copier was already turned off and it took…”

  Finally, he notices me and asks astonished: “Kitten?” Quickly he clears his throat. “Uh… Do we have an appointment Josefine,…?”

  The man at the desk looks at his watch and jumps up. “Yikes! So late already. I have to go. Ben will want his good night story and Carolyn insists that we do it together, whenever we can.”

  Marek looks back and forth between me and the man. “Uh, yes, of course. Say hello to both of them from me! Bye, Frank!”

  “See you later, Marek!” says Frank and shakes my hand. “Very pleased to meet you. And… have fun!” Then he’s gone.

  Marek put the papers down on his desk and thinks for a moment before asking: “Tell me, do you know each other?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I never saw Frank like that. So completely rattled and agitated.”

  My laugh sounds somewhat uncertain: “I don’t know why. I’ve only just seen him for the first time.”

  Marek shakes his head, sits on his desk and folds his arms. “What brings you to me, Josefine?”

  “I… Marek, you are no longer… with Lisa-Marie?”

  “Imagine. I followed your advice and told her about all my fantasies. She was gone faster than I could finish explaining.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I can hardly believe that.” His merciless tone kills the last spark of hope burning in me as if he had personally poured a bucket of cold water over it.

  “I was just nearby and I thought… But never mind… I won’t keep you from your work any longer,” I hear myself say. Why am I just so infinitely cowardly? This is pathetic, simply terribly pathetic.

  “Are you cold?” he asks and I
notice that I am still holding my coat closed tight around me.

  “No,” I say and start tying the belt of the coat.

  Marek removes himself from the desk and slowly comes towards me. “Why did you come here?” he asks quietly.

  I turn to go. But he grabs my arm and pulls me in towards himself. At this my coat falls open a little and Marek cries amazed: “What the hell…?”

  “No! Please! It’s better I go.” I fight back as he gently opens my coat.

  His gaze falls on my cleavage. “Kitten!” He says no more. But I let him open the belt and slowly pull the coat from my body. He holds me by my upper arms and looks at me extensively from top to bottom.

  “You’re beautiful, Kitten. Now I can imagine exactly what disturbed my friend Frank.” He speaks very quietly and a little smile twitches at his mouth, which makes me feel horribly embarrassed.

  “A thong? Is that a gift for me, Kitten?”

  “Yes,” I breathe, barely audible and am relieved because he takes me in his arms and holds me tight.

  “I have something to tell you, Kitten,” he whispers with a harsh voice in my ear.


  “I fell in love with a woman.”

  “What?” I cry horrified and move to back away. But he won’t let me free from his embrace.

  “Just hear me out before you run half-naked to the elevator. I’m in love with the only woman who knows my two identities and still shows up in my office in sexy underwear to accidentally surprise my friend.”

  “Oh…,” I groan powerless and become weak, both physically and emotionally.

  “Do you think there’s a chance, that this woman might love me back, with everything she knows about me?”

  I close my eyes and press Marek firmly against me: “I’m sorry. But as far as I know, this woman fell in love with an unknown man behind a mask. She loves to clean for him. On the other hand… I can imagine that she might have a soft spot for you.”

  As I release myself from Marek, a warm smile welcomes me. “I love you, Kitten.”

  “And I love you,” I manage to murmur quietly before I feel Marek’s lips on mine.

  His kiss surpasses all my best secret fantasies. His curved lips feel perfectly proportioned on mine and it is a true pleasure to kiss them. The growling tone coming from deep in his throat, makes me hope that he feels the same. We explore each other as an insatiable passion takes hold of us.

  Breathlessly I release myself from his mouth to gasp for air. “I suggest, I unpack my gift right now,” he says with a husky voice.

  “Stop,… Sir!” I gasp causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. “Let us enjoy the situation,” I suggest and rebuke myself internally for this stupid idea because I actually have nothing against immediate unpacking. Nevertheless, I push him in the direction of his desk and force him into his chair. Then I turn on his desk lamp and hurry to his office door to close it and turn off the main light.

  Then I take a few steps towards him and stand exactly how I always welcomed him in the kitchen.

  “Good evening, Sir,” I say, and I cannot help but smile.

  “Hello, my Kitten,” he replies and I can hear that he’s smiling, but I cannot see it because my eyes are lowered to the floor.

  “Sir, your office needs someone to put things in order.”

  From his authoritarian tone of voice, I can hear that he has entered the game. “Kitten, are you trying to tell me that I am messy?”

  “No, Sir,” I breath sheepishly.

  “I hope not. After all, what do I have you for, Kitten? But please, take this stack of papers and put it through the shredder.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I go to the desk and he puts a few sheets of paper in my hand. I brieföly dare to look him in the face. His greedy gaze hits me and my insides start doing somersaults. Even though he is casual sitting in his chair, he can’t hide his excitement, not from me.

  Slowly, I make my way to the shredder and bend slowly over the device with each piece of paper, deeper and deeper, as if it were really necessary. The device makes an unbearable sound.

  When I’m done, I wait as usual for his instructions. “Come here and clean up my desk,” he orders.

  He rolls back his chair. I stand myself right in front of him and start to line up his writing utensils properly. I bend over the table slightly further than necessary and note that I no longer feel uncomfortable in the thong.

  The sound of the rolling office chair coming closer does not disturb me. Even as I feel his hot breath on my buttocks I continue to clean up the desk. Only when he puts his hands on my butt do I freeze. For a while, he explores my body and then gasps: “Kitten, I always wanted to touch you. You can not imagine, how much energy it cost me each time not to do it.”

  I moan and pull myself together: “no touching, Sir.” He pauses, I correct myself: “Not… everywhere…. not yet!”

  Smiling, he grabs a jar containing paper clips, opens it, and hurls the contents on the floor. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m afraid you will have to pick up each clip from the ground individually,” he says amused and I smile.

  Slowly I go down onto my knees, then all fours, and collect the paper clips. He watches me just like always and lowers himself to the ground too.

  A quick look at his face reflects that which I myself am fighting against: Marek’s self-control seems to be hanging by a thread and this fact arouses me even more. I admonish myself to continue my activities and I am surprised that a man needs so many paperclips.

  When I crawl a few meters away from Marek to collect even more distant paperclips, I can suddenly feel him behind me, then over me. He wraps his arms around my stomach and presses into me. He answers my gasp with a growl, before throwing me onto my back. Immediately he is on top of me and kissing me passionately. His body, his hands, and his lips are everywhere. We make love tempestuously and I’m glad that I can crawl to my coat and fish out of the pocket one of the condoms I put there earlier.

  As Marek collapses on top of me panting heavily I embrace him lovingly and tickle his back for a while.

  “Shall we continue this somewhere more private?” he asks me.

  “Continue?” I smile.

  He lifts his head and looks me deep in the eyes. “Kitten, that was just a little taste. I’m not finished with you.”

  A lascivious giggle escapes me from sheer anticipation, “my place or yours?”

  “Stay with me tonight,” Marek whispers to me and kisses the tip of my nose.

  My small old car can hardly keep up with Marek’s sportier model. After a while, he seems to notice and curbs his impulsive style of driving. He drives into the parking garage of his apartment building, while I look for a parking space on the street. It’s already late in the evening and pitch black.

  Marek told me to wait in the car for him because I’m only dressed in a coat and lingerie, he doesn’t want me to walk alone from the parking lot to his apartment. Therefore I sit in my car, smiling and waiting.

  When I see him coming I get out. Immediately, his body presses me against my car. His impatient kisses ignite my passion again.

  As he covers my neck with kisses, I breathe aroused. His eyes meet my veiled look and he murmurs: “the whole ride over I couldn’t get the thought of you, almost naked in the car behind me, out of my head. I almost couldn’t endure it.” He takes me by the hand and pulls me into his building and into his apartment.

  While we were not completely unclothed during the quickie in his office, he now undresses me with pleasure, one piece of clothing at a time. He takes so much time that I can hardly bear his slow, delicate touch. However, I try to give him this sweet sorrow.

  I can never remember having such restrained sex. It moves painfully slowly, as he kisses me again and again and wraps my face with h
is hands.

  “That’s so good… that is so insanely good,” I pant breathlessly. He just makes an excited noise, which rises deep in his throat.

  Patiently, I expect that he will eventually speed up his rhythm. But he keeps a cool head until I literally beg him. “Marek, please, faster.”

  As if he was just waiting for my words, his movements become impetuous and he thrusts so violently into me that my head bangs on the headboard. My gasps become louder, which seems to goad him further. His oppressed, silent moan is heaven on earth for me. I claw my nails into him and together we come to a truly orgasmic climax.

  Chapter 23

  The next few weeks we enjoy our newfound intimacy with each other. Unfortunately, we do not see each other as often as I would like. But it’s better than ever.

  One day I arrive at work a little too early and find Jörg in his office, his head bent over some large format sheets. I sit down next to him and look at the drawings.

  “What is it?” I ask, curiously.

  Jörg responds proudly: “plans. The Widow is finally getting her winter garden”

  I’m surprised and cry out: “Super!”

  For years, Jörg has dreamed of this winter garden, but could never build it due to a lack of funds.

  “Did you win the Lottery?” I ask innocently, however it seems I have stumbled into a wasps nest because Jörg hurriedly packs up the plans.

  I’ve already forgotten the strange situation when, a few days later, the telephone in Jörg’s office rings. I’m right next to it, so I take the call. It’s a fairly common occurrence.

  “The Black Widow. Josefine Wagner speaking,” I answer affably.

  “Held investments, Mader speaking.”

  “Mr. Mader? What can I do for you?” I ask surprised.

  “It’s about our financing of the winter garden. I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Held. He would like to finalize all the details as soon as possible so that nothing stands in the way of construction starting next month.”

  My mouth falls open. “One moment, I’ll get my boss.”

  In the kitchen, I call out to Jörg as disinterested as possible: “phone for you. A Mr. Mader or something.”